老澳门六合彩开奖历史记录 Myanmar's young talents showcase lifesaving robots for disaster scenarios in competition


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老澳门六合彩开奖历史记录 Myanmar's young talents showcase lifesaving robots for disaster scenarios in competition
发布日期:2024-12-25 03:45    点击次数:151

"It is amazing to see the impressive capabilities and creativity of Myanmar's youth in using technology for humanitarian purposes老澳门六合彩开奖历史记录," said Maria, 50, a foreign visitor.

YANGON, Sept. 18 (Xinhua) -- In a recent robot competition held in Yangon, Myanmar's young innovators showcased their robots designed to tackle disaster scenarios and improve emergency responses.


Nyan Koe, a 13-year-old student from We Are Genius Myanmar Team 2, participated in the competition with his robotic car. "I joined the event as I'm interested in robotics. I competed with a search-and-rescue car. It can be used in earthquakes and landslides," he said.

Speaking about the usefulness of robotic cars, he said, "These robots can go to places where buildings have collapsed. Humans can't enter such hazardous areas, but the robots can go in and rescue people. They can also help locate people."

Nyan Koe also shared his ambition for developing the robotic car, "In Myanmar, I don't see rescue operations using much technology. I want to help rescue teams here."

Kyaw Bhone Khant Zaw, an 11-year-old student from We Are Genius Myanmar Team 1, explained his team's project, "We created a search and rescue robotic boat designed to save people. Currently, as you know, there are many flood cases in Myanmar. I want to save those people in danger. This boat will assist in rescuing them."

Ko Ko Gyi, a 17-year-old student from Team ILBC 1, said, "Our project is focusing on protecting communities from devastating effects of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. By integrating innovative technology with sustainable practices, we aim to create solutions that not only prevent damage but also help rebuild and safeguard lives."

"We chose this project with the aim of saving lives with our project in the future," he added.

Maria, 50, a foreign visitor, said while wandering around the project display booths, "I think this competition is great and I am so interested in and impressed by the projects created by young innovators. It is amazing to see the impressive capabilities and creativity of Myanmar's youth in using technology for humanitarian purposes."

"It is inspiring to see how the next generation is stepping up to tackle serious issues and create positive change. The future does look bright with such passionate and capable individuals leading this way," Maria said.

Over 50 contestants from 15 teams across Myanmar competed in two categories of the robot competition老澳门六合彩开奖历史记录, Robo Mission and Future Innovators. The winners will represent Myanmar at the World Robot Olympiad 2024 International Final in Türkiye this November. ■

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